Coaching and Mentorship

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ONE on ONE Private Elite Coaching


I personally understand how frustrating it can be to sign up for a program and never feel successful. The online coaching world can be like the Wild Wild West. Anyone can say they are a coach and with a pretty website, you believe them.

I have been in the online world since online began. Our team has been validated as the pioneers of the coaching space for th elast three plus decades!
From transformations of women losing over 100 lbs, to world titles, to magazine covers, to career promotions and personal branding achievements, my clients have experienced incredible success.

Right now, women are making transitions like never before. It can be confusing how to make the shift in your business or career and how you can highlight your talent and skill.

I have the answer for you. My agency and coaching program helps women who are in that “moment of time” where they are ready to make enhancements to where they are in their business.
I work one on one with you as personal branding requires full customization. While group training is wonderful, personal branding demands much more attention to every detail.

You want help with your personal brand. The reason why so many women are held back in their careers is that they do not take the time to complete this type of foundation (discovery, identity, confidence, messaging, energy, implementation) around how they show up in the world and how others view them professionally.

This is where I come in. I put you in the front row of your life where you become the leading lady.

I care so deeply about my clients. We are like a family and we live all over the world. We are connected by technology that puts me right into your home, guiding you every step of the way. Enjoy the information in my coaching section for more insight on how I can help you!

Who is Cathy Savage Coaching for?

Wellness Corporate Coaching

Book Cathy for a half day or full day workshop for the women in your company. Cathy speaks on applicable strategies to help your employees manage their work/life balance so they are happier at home and at work.  Studies have found that a company advances when employees feel their employer cares for their well being. 

Cathy reviews her signature strategies for working women at any level. 

CEO Business and Brand coaching to help you learn branding and become a money-savvy business leader.

What Makes Cathy Savage Coaching Different?

When it comes to running a business or having a high powered corporate position, many women have the desire and motivation, but not the know-how they need to improve efficiency and elevate their positioning. Cathy offers world-class business coaching that will teach you the most effective way to show up as a confident C-suite executive or prepare you for that future role.   

At Cathy Savage Coaching, we truly understand women’s needs, especially women working in highly competitive fields!  When you have a clear plan, you’ll know how to move forward to serve your clients well and grow your business.  

You’re the best at what you do, and Cathy Savage Coaching is here to help you shine!  Reach more clients.  Improve your strategies.  Meet your goals.